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How to install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu

Here I will demostrate how you can install Plex Media Server on Ubuntu Server. The whole thing only take a few minutes. If you rather watch a movie, there is a 1080p YouTube video at the bottom of this page. To get more information on what Plex are, or how powerfull computer you need, I made an article on the subject here


  • Ubuntu

Proficiency Level


Time Required

3 Minutes

Getting the download links

First you go to If you are a paying PlexPass user you will have an alternative download option. It will just be a newer version. Click on the "Computer"download on the link you have available and you navigate to this page:

Where to get Plex Media Server download link

Hoover the picture to enlarge it x2 or click on it for full size

If your Ubuntu is the Desktop type you can just download the .deb file. If not you got to SSH over to the Server to download the file over command line. Are you on another Linux machine or on a Mac, you already have the tools. Windows user have to download a program. I recommend PuTTY

Getting the .deb and installing PMS

If you dont know the IP address of your Server I show you how to find it in the tiny terminal below. To SSH in Linux you type ssh (IP address). If you have to use PuTTY it is pretty self-explanatory once you start the program.


hostname -I

Once you are on the Ubuntu Server, type in the following commands. First one will download the .deb file using the link you copied earlier, the second one will tell you the name if the file downloaded, and the last one will install Plex Media Server. Change the link in this example to your current one




sudo dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.

How to wget Plex Media Server.deb and installing over SSH

Hoover the picture to enlarge it x2 or click on it for full size

Testing if it works

Head over to http://server-ip:32400/manage. For me it is and you should see a welcome screen. Congratulations, you are all done! Now you can add all the movies, TV series and music you can handle, and all will be perfectly organized :)

Comfirmation for Plex Media Server being successfully installed

Hoover the picture to enlarge it x2 or click on it for full size

Hope you made it! YouTube video below if you want a more visual tutorial

Hope you learned something!
If you find any typos, got questions or just want to say hi, please do so in the comment section below :) Dont forget to like and share
Install PMS, Plex, Ubuntu, Tutorial