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What is Debian, and why is it awesome?

Debian. If you just want something to work, being rock solid and dont need the latest technology, Debian might be your best choice. Desktop and Server.

Debian and stability walk hand in hand, making it a perfect canditate for a server who is supposed to be running for years or a desktop computer you dont need the latest programs for.It is a popular choice for a web server. It do come with a price tough. It come with an old kernel, 3.12 today at Debian 8, wich may make it harder to run on cutting edge hardware. Not at it need it when you look at the system requirements.

Debian and stability walk hand in hand, making it a perfect canditate for a server who is supposed to be running for years or a desktop computer you dont need the latest programs for.It is a popular choice for a web server. It do come with a price tough. It come with an old kernel, 3.12 today at Debian 8, wich may make it harder to run on cutting edge hardware. Not at it need it when you look at the system requirements.

Debian with Desktop Debian w/o Desktop
Memory(Minimum) 256 MiB 128 MiB
Memory(Recommended) 1024 MiB 512 MiB
CPU 1 GHz 1 GHz

That dont mean it is stuck with lack of programs. Debian has access to online repositories that contain over 50 000 software packages making it one of the largest software compilations. Debian dont keep a specific timeline on the release as many other distros seem to do. Lately the avarge release cycle lurked around a little over every other year making Debian 10 probably will be released around 2017.

Debian manage packages with apt-get. That means you update by typing apt-get update and apt-get upgrade, and you can install *.deb packages using dpkg -i *.deb. Debian 8 implemeted systemd swapping out the old SysVinit system. Ubuntu is based on Debian but with slightly newer packages and kernel.

So to sum up, if you want a stable Linux distro who just work, go with Debian! If you perfer something a little more cutting-endge or if the old kernel cause some kind of problems, go for Ubuntu. If thats not enough, you also have bleeding-edge Fedora.

Find more information and get the software at the official website

Hope you learned something!
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Installing Android apps on Debian

A tutorial on how you can install and run Android apps on Linux using the github project Shashlik

Click here to read the whole guide